GKTech S14/S15 to Z32/GTST/GTR 変換ブレーキライン シルビア gktech
商品詳細商品説明The GKTECH conversion brake lines are to suit S14/S15"s that are using Z32/GTST/GTR brakes the braided brake lines are a direct replacement of the factory lines and are stronger (read: more reliable) than the factory rubber lines which are prone to breaking but they also eliminate the spongy feel of the standard brake lines. The front lines are also longer to compensate for big brake setups or cars with more steering lock (which would see stretching with the factory line)S14/S15へR32/R33/Z32キャリパーを流用する際に使用できます切れ角の増加に想定して純正比でホース部を延長ステンレスチューブ テフロンインナー PVCアウターステンレスフィッティングADRDOTおよびTUV仕様に準拠- 日産 S14 シルビア- 日産 S15 シルビア取り付け参考動画(S13/180SX)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ev4ptkE5AGKtech japanhttps://jp.gktech.com/送付方法佐川急便送料元払い(送料は配送方法欄から確認が可能です)同梱発送をご希望の場合にはオーダーフォームにご入力のうえ